eli5; can you use lower voltage on a 120v AC led light like you can with a 12v DC led?


I’ve read that running a 12v DC LED at a lower voltage can increase it’s lifespan. Does it work that way for 120v AC LED fixtures as well (even though I have no idea how a homeowner would reduce voltage) or does the method of converting AC to power an LED fixture negate any possible benefits?

If it matters, I’m talking about industrial fixtures /or/ bulbs generally rated for a lot of current/amperage, putting out a lot of light (but that also have a high failure rate)

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Most 220/120v led lights have a switching power supply in them that works in a larger voltage range, and should give out same amount of light as long as it is in the operating range, same light regardless of supply voltage (within limits), so no.

But if the supply is a cheap capacitor dropper it will work, somewhat.

Edit: the main thing that kills LEDs is heat !

But in most cases the power supply will the first to go bad and then without proper regulation either it or the LEDs die.