Eli5 Centripetal force vs centrifugal force.


Hi, i am having trouble understanding why centrifugal force is a “psuedo” force. Centripetal force holds an object in rotation pulling toward the centre , whereas centrifugal force is pushing the object outwards.

I have veen trying to watch videos but the examples dont really help.

For example, if im in a car going around a corner, the faster i go, the more the car wants to fly off the road.

Or if an object us on a spinning platform like a lazy susan, the faster i spin the lazy susan, the further away the object gets (until it falls off).

Is centrifugal force just the lack of centripetal force?

In: 5

8 Answers

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if you have a bucket spinning on a rope, centrifugal force is what the rope is doing by preventing the bucket from moving away

centripital force is the bucket trying to leave. In a rotating reference frame (like the bucket) it is exactly opposite centerfugal, but outside the rotating frame (or if the frame stops rotating like by letting go of the rope) it points off tangent to the circle pointing in the direction the rotation was happening (this whole “which direction does it point” thing is what makes it psudo).

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