eli5: “choice” in the Many Worlds theory.


From what I’ve read, according to the Many Worlds theory, every time I make a choice, a new universe springs into being in which I make a different choice. But what constitutes a choice? Does it have to be a conscious, binary choice? For example, there are a large number (infinite?) of things I’m NOT doing right now, including running around my workplace naked except for clown makeup. Does that mean that there’s a universe in which I am doing that? And am I just getting lucky to keep ending up in the universe in which I’m behaving well? Or does the theory only apply when I have to actually consider what to do next? (Until now I’ve never considered running around naked at work with clown paint on).

In: 8

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every time you flip a coin in a many worlds multiverse the universe splits into the potential outcomes. Heads, Tails, being most probable (But the coin can also land on its side lol). 6 heads (H, H, H, H H, H) is less probable than any combination of 3 heads and 3 tails as there is only 1 way to get 6 heads and many to get 3 heads and 3 tails eg. (H T H T H T), (H H H T T T)

Your choices are no different than the coin flips. Just more complex. Based on your personality, experience, physical body, certain things are more probable than others. An introverted, risk avoident accountant might sky dive, but it’s unlikely. However the probability isn’t zero.

If universes are truly infinite a universe exists where all coin tosses end with heads as the outcome. Heads, Always, all coin throws purely due to chance come up as heads. However universes with more typical coin flip outcomes would be much more common.

The universe you exist in is probably very average because it’s more common. Most your choices yield pretty normal outcomes. You win some you lose some but things will typically average out to your skill level etc (think chess rating).

If you deal in risky behaviors the probabilities on average will play out it you play them enough. If you deal with smart behaviors on average these behaviors will average out. Consistency is important.

On a side note. Our solar system is pretty average, our sun is pretty average.
If simulations exist. It’s unlikely that you would be the true world, but in a simulation, simulating a simulation, but you would be somewhere in the middle of the stack of simulations because that is most probable.

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