ELI5… CNAME, DNS, Domain


For background….I’m working on connecting our shopify to our business, and in the process some wires got crossed and our main domain is gone and replaced with our shop.

I feel like the problem lies in domain/DNS settings and CNAME but I don’t actually know what these things do. We’re supposed to have a tab that routes to shopify, not have our whole website replaced with Shopify. I’m not super technologically savvy so can someone explain what Domain, DNS, and CNAME is/does?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The interesting thing about CNAME is it’s been used the other way around.

CNAME means “canonical name”, originally intended for websites to have other names then pointed back to “canonical name”. But now it is mostly used to point the canonical name of your website to another name, most often a public hosting provider’s hostname.

For example:

hostname directly to an IP:

whatevershop.com type A response: whatever IP that host this website.

Original usage of CNAME:

whatevershopnickname.com type CNAME response: whatevershop.com , then the resolver try to resolve the latter to the IP.

How it is been used now:

whatevershop.com type CNAME response: whateverthehostingprovidergaveyou.whateverhostingprovider.com, then the resolver try to resolve the latter to an IP, usually owned by that hosting provider.

The shopify provider should give you a corresponding CNAME response that you should talk to your DNS provider to set up, so it’s like yourshop.com CNAME to whatever shopify told you to put in as CNAME, also don’t forget to delete existing A or CNAME records you had for yourshop.com so it stops being resolved to your old server IP or provider hostname.

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