ELI5… CNAME, DNS, Domain


For background….I’m working on connecting our shopify to our business, and in the process some wires got crossed and our main domain is gone and replaced with our shop.

I feel like the problem lies in domain/DNS settings and CNAME but I don’t actually know what these things do. We’re supposed to have a tab that routes to shopify, not have our whole website replaced with Shopify. I’m not super technologically savvy so can someone explain what Domain, DNS, and CNAME is/does?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s whole books dedicated to DNS. But the ELI5 is this: DNS basically just stores records that map a name to an IP, or vice versa. DNS means Domain Name System. An A ‘ record’ is used when the question is ‘what is the ip for reddit.com. the IP is the answer. A CNAME record is like an A record, but it’s for an alternate name. A domain is a text string like “reddit.com” where .com is a domain and reddit is a sub domain. There are DNS servers that only have records for .com. there are other dns servers that only have records for reddit.com

The whole idea is to provide a means for humans to remember and understand addresses for resources on the internet. Reddit.com is intuitive for us where it’s IP means nothing to a human.

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