Eli5: could depression be cured with medicine that increase the rate in which brain cells are produced?


I’ve studied a little bit of Psychology latley and I learned that when a person has depression the body makes fewer braincells so you get stuck in a negative loop because plasticity in the brain decreases. Couldn’t you just make a medicine where the body produces more braincells so it would be easier for a person to make new pathways in the brain and get out of that negative loop?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is that we just don’t know. It’s possible – there are some promising hints that certain chemicals such as psilocybin can increase neuroplasticity and effect depression – but we don’t yet enough information to give a clear answer.

A slightly longer answer is that you have some misconceptions about neuroscience – neuroplasticity is not *just* new brain cells being created, but is also about existing brain cells connecting together in new ways, or changes in the ways that existing synapses (connections) work. Depression is not *just* an issue of neuroplasticity either. People can become depressed for a vast array of reasons which have nothing to do with neuroplasticity. Increased activity in certain parts of your brain, levels of particular brain chemicals, and many more factors can influence depression.

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