Eli5: Could two people repopulate the earth on their own?


Just having an argument with a friend

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29 Answers

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Mathematically. No.

The most obvious argument would in fact be mathematical. If two people have kids, and those two people have kids, and those two people have kids. Yeah. No.

But, the question does need a bit more qualification. Is the scenario they are the last two people on earth? Or that all the other existing people have to stop having kids? If “last two people on earth” scenario, 100% no. So many variables. Who’d deliver the kids. Who’d provide health care. Even throwing all that out… who provides food, water, utilities. And even throwing all THAT out. You’d have to have 10-15 generations of people grow up, have kids, rinse and repeat and live relatively full and healthy lives. IF they do that, throwing out ALL that other stuff… maybe a small chance. Ice that cake with inbreeding causing some real bad genetic issues.

Everyone else on earth stop breeding? A higher chance, but still low. Same reasons as above, ultimately.

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