Eli5: Could two people repopulate the earth on their own?


Just having an argument with a friend

In: 4

29 Answers

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Yes, but not without…… issues. The resulting population would not be *healthy* by any means.

The way genes work, there are a lot of genes people have that are *recessive*, meaning they only become active in the individual if you inherit the same gene from both parents. Many recessive genes are *bad for you* to have active, but rare, because both your parents have to be carriers for it, but most people probably have at least a few weird recessive genes with negative effects on your health.

So if your population is all descended from 2 people, that means every individual is a semi-random selection of those 2 peoples’ genes, and after the 1st generation, their direct children, without new genes entering the gene pool, they have to populate the earth by sleeping with their siblings, or parents, but that certainly doesn’t make the problem any *better*.

And with that incest, your likelihood of 2 parents with the same, damaging recessive gene starts skyrocketing, considering they both inherited it from the same person, so your efforts to reformulated the earth will quickly have more health problems than the combined Nobility of Europe, and
Would be extremely vulnerable to disease, since our immune systems are heavily influenced by genetics as well. If one person in this community catches a disease that kills them, chances are *high* that litterally nobody will fare any better against it.

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