Eli5: Could two people repopulate the earth on their own?


Just having an argument with a friend

In: 4

29 Answers

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Lots of people are talking about the lack of genetic diversity, but I think the more critical factor here is that the world is _dangerous_. Two people on their own without anyone else to help them are going to have a hard time just staying alive. Something as simple as eating the wrong berry, or drinking from the wrong stream, or getting a little cut and having it get infected could kill them. On top of that, pregnancy and childbirth are incredibly dangerous to the mother and the baby, and without knowledgeable people to help out, the odds are very small that she would survive enough pregnancies to produce enough children who could themselves survive long enough to reproduce.

So, the odds are stacked against them just in terms of survival, but if they did manage to do that then the odds that they could reproduce more than a couple of times are very low, and if they could do that then the odds that _those_ kids would survive is very low.

I don’t think there would be enough generations for inbreeding to even show up as a problem, but if they got super lucky for a several decades, then they’d have to deal with that as well.

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