Eli5: Could two people repopulate the earth on their own?


Just having an argument with a friend

In: 4

29 Answers

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That depends on what counts as a person, and on which two people. Here’s the best case scenario I can come up with off the top of my head:

* both people are healthy cis women
* both are interested in bearing large numbers of children, and are young enough that they could
* they know each other, and know that they’re the last two people on Earth
* they manage to preserve a large number of genetically diverse frozen embryos at an IVF lab before lack of human oversight causes the power grid and freezing equipment to fail
* I don’t count frozen embryos as people. Maybe you do. This is a subject where reasonable people can disagree.
* they survive the collapse of all the infrastructure
* they manage to work the equipment that defrosts and implants a frozen embryo into a person, and use it many times on each other
* luck is on their side, so no chance illnesses strike either during any of their numerous pregnancies
* all the children survive
* the initial survivors teach the children how to operate all the equipment preserving and using frozen embryos
* enough of the children are interested in repopulating the Earth with healthy humans to get the species over the [Minimum Viable Population](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_population)

It seems plausible that it could work, though I sure wouldn’t wanna bet on it.

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