Eli5 Crying


What brain workings causes the the nose to run and eyes to cry from extreme emotion. I read that the nose runs when crying because drainage from the eyes mixing with the mucus snowballing to the dripping of the nose but what does the brain have to do with it? Why does it happen as a emotional response?

In: Biology

2 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Crying developed evolutionary because we are very social creatures.

Crying is hard wired into us, and everyone instinctually understand that when someone is crying, something is wrong with them.

Before our ancestors were able to talk to communicate, they had to use physical signals along with the noises they could make. Crying, laughing, smiling, pointing/gesturing, are all examples of that.

Crying is a clear way to let your social group around you, who you depend on for survival, to know that something is wrong with you.