ELi5: Difference between “guitar amplifier” and an “turntable amplifier”?


I am relatively new to playing electric guitar, while I do have an ongoing interest in vinyl turntables. I have amplifiers for my vinyl setup, but as I started to acquire equipment for my electric guitar, I came across a large speaker with an amp built into it called a “guitar amplifier.” There are also stand-alone amplifiers that are specifically designed for guitars, like the “Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box.” I’m curious about the difference between the two and whether it would be possible to use a guitar amplifier like the “Universal Audio OX Amp Top Box” on my vinyl setup.

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12 Answers

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You’re better off asking this in a technical sub.

As far as I can tell, the top box you mention is supposed to be used with a guitar amp, and it pretends to be the loudspeaker in the amp but sends the sound to a line output instead.

A guitar amp is often specifically made for applying basic effects such as overdrive and sometimes reverb, and to be driven by a guitar pickup. A vinyl amp is made to be driven by a stylus pickup, and has an RIAA filter which expands the compressed bass and midrange from the vinyl (these were compressed so that heavy thumping bass lines didn’t require extreme groove variations on the disc). There may be amps that do both, but I don’t know.

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