Eli5: Difference in twin ages


So I recently found out I’m having twins. Looking at test results from an ultrasound it says fetus A is 9wks and Fetus B is 8wks 4days. What causes them to be different in age? Does that mean they are fraternal twins?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are estimating age based on measurements. So the babies are just slightly different sized. These measurements can’t pinpoint the date of conception exactly. Can’t guarantee if they are fraternal or identical by this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They would be fraternal. Your ovaries released two eggs in the cycle and one was fertilized a few days after the first.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends. Have they told you if you’re dichorionic or monochorionic?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A 3 day difference in measured age is insignificant and within normal variation. I well remember a distinguished professor throwing a major scene when the blood pressure measurements for a patient admitted for assessment of hypertension were all exactly the same over four days. He knew that they had been faked and there was huge trouble about it. Minor variations are inevitable in biological systems.