eli5: Different body hairs grows differently


Why do some hairs on your body grow differently? For example, the hair on your head and face can keep growing but your eye brows will stop at a certain point, if you were to shave it. Also, why are pubes coarse?

In: 53

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Edited for spelling.
I have a lengthy beard and learned from a barber that hair has a ‘terminal length,’ that is, a length that it will grow out to and stop. I imagine hairs from different regions of the body have different terminal lengths but I’m speculating.

This conversation arose when I remarked that beard competitions are silly because they are merely “I avoided shaving the longest” contests. That’s when I learned not everyone could grow really long hair if they just stopped cutting it.

This is weird, right? Like the hair knows when to stop and to re-grow when cut back. 🤯

Anonymous 0 Comments

all cells are differentiated from the same genetic information. Your hair follicles are differentiated in the same way that your eyeballs are different from skin cells. Same genetic information, different expression.

As to why public hair is coarse, I beleive its because it reduces friction better and is more resilient to tangling. Pretty important to avoid infections and injuries.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hairs on your eyebrows don’t stop growing. They’re always growing. It’s just that the tips of them eventually wear out and break off so they never get longer than a certain length.

The different hairs on your body grow at different speed and have different durability. How long they can get before the tips to break off varies by location

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They are coded genetically, simple as that.

Eyebrow hair has a different string of proteins in its DNA coding for its design, meaning when they form they are constructed differently.

Like the blueprints for them contain different instructions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All the hair on your body has a life cycle. It grows, falls out , lays dormant a little while then grows again. That is why people lose hair every day but don’t go bald. It is also why you have hairs of different lengths all the time. The hair on your head, your eyebrows and the hair on your arms are all programed to grow for different lengths of time before they fall out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hair is not circular in cross section, unless it’s perfectly straight. Hair with oval or orregular cross section will be various forms of wavy, curly or tight curls.

As for why pubes are so curly, it’s theoretically hygienic/ protection for the public region against certain things (but then promotes other things like crabs, so win some lose some on an evolutionary balance)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hair has 3 different phases in its life cycle. First the growing stage, followed by the resting stage, and lastly the final step in which it sheds and waits to regrow.

The hair on our head has a very long growing stage (several years) and then a shorter resting stage. So the body knows that hair will grow for x amount of time before tapering off.

Body hair, however, has a very short growing stage time (days) and a longer resting stage. That’s why it grows in quickly but never gets long