Eli5: Do fields (magnetic, EM etc) radiate in a 360 degree (ball shaped type) manner or is it a “2D” movement?


I know I probably didn’t phrase this correctly, but my English grammar is limited in this sort of stuff . I hope someone understands what I’m trying to say hah

In: 21

5 Answers

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A single “linear polarized” electromagnetic wave comes from a changing electric field, which generates a perpendicular changing magnetic field, which regenerates the changing electric field. The two fields are individually 2 dimensional, but because they are perpendicular the wave is 3 dimensional.

When two electromagnetic waves with the same frequency overlap and are 90 degrees out of phase (in phase means the peaks of the waves line up) they add up to form a more complex wave that is “circular polarized” where the individual fields rotate in 3 dimensions

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