Eli5: Do fields (magnetic, EM etc) radiate in a 360 degree (ball shaped type) manner or is it a “2D” movement?


I know I probably didn’t phrase this correctly, but my English grammar is limited in this sort of stuff . I hope someone understands what I’m trying to say hah

In: 21

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fields are 3D. Think about the earth’s magnetic field. It extends far into space and crates a sort of “bubble” that protects the planet from solar wind. When you lay a magnet down on a table and throw a bunch of iron filings down, they form all these field lines on the table. It may look 2D, but what you’re seeing is a single 2D slice of a larger 3D field. Like how a circle can be a 2D slice of a sphere. I hope this was your question!

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