eli5: Do people really fall instantly like in movies, after getting shot? If so, why?


eli5: Do people really fall instantly like in movies, after getting shot? If so, why?

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27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. In fact, sometimes people don’t even realise they’ve been shot at first – you don’t even always feel pain immediately.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. In fact, sometimes people don’t even realise they’ve been shot at first – you don’t even always feel pain immediately.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can check out Red Dead Redemption 2 or its videos in yt. It’s got one of the most realistic physics out there like when you shoot someone in the neck, they will still walk a few steps while holding their neck before falling down

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can check out Red Dead Redemption 2 or its videos in yt. It’s got one of the most realistic physics out there like when you shoot someone in the neck, they will still walk a few steps while holding their neck before falling down

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can check out Red Dead Redemption 2 or its videos in yt. It’s got one of the most realistic physics out there like when you shoot someone in the neck, they will still walk a few steps while holding their neck before falling down

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on where and how they get shot.

Sometimes, they indeed do just plop down. As the other person said, if shot in head, heart, or spine, you immediately lose certain bodily functions and drop.

Other times, they might get shot 3 times and still continue charging forward, sometimes even without even noticing due to adrenaline rush, until they lose so much blood that their body stops functioning. That’s possible because the bullet didn’t hit anything critically important, but it still opened up a wound that bleeds. Bleeding out takes some time.

If you want to see what it looks like when people get shot for real, look up Active Self Protection and Police Activity channels on Youtube. Plenty of actual footage from real-life shootouts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on where and how they get shot.

Sometimes, they indeed do just plop down. As the other person said, if shot in head, heart, or spine, you immediately lose certain bodily functions and drop.

Other times, they might get shot 3 times and still continue charging forward, sometimes even without even noticing due to adrenaline rush, until they lose so much blood that their body stops functioning. That’s possible because the bullet didn’t hit anything critically important, but it still opened up a wound that bleeds. Bleeding out takes some time.

If you want to see what it looks like when people get shot for real, look up Active Self Protection and Police Activity channels on Youtube. Plenty of actual footage from real-life shootouts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on where and how they get shot.

Sometimes, they indeed do just plop down. As the other person said, if shot in head, heart, or spine, you immediately lose certain bodily functions and drop.

Other times, they might get shot 3 times and still continue charging forward, sometimes even without even noticing due to adrenaline rush, until they lose so much blood that their body stops functioning. That’s possible because the bullet didn’t hit anything critically important, but it still opened up a wound that bleeds. Bleeding out takes some time.

If you want to see what it looks like when people get shot for real, look up Active Self Protection and Police Activity channels on Youtube. Plenty of actual footage from real-life shootouts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may happen, there was a story about a guy getting shot in several fatal areas with a .45 which included left lung, right lung, heart, diaphragm, kidney, 1x to each cheek and 1 to the temple

And managed to survive long enough for an Ambulance arrive and take him to the hospital

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may happen, there was a story about a guy getting shot in several fatal areas with a .45 which included left lung, right lung, heart, diaphragm, kidney, 1x to each cheek and 1 to the temple

And managed to survive long enough for an Ambulance arrive and take him to the hospital