eli5: Do people really fall instantly like in movies, after getting shot? If so, why?


eli5: Do people really fall instantly like in movies, after getting shot? If so, why?

In: 3

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may happen, there was a story about a guy getting shot in several fatal areas with a .45 which included left lung, right lung, heart, diaphragm, kidney, 1x to each cheek and 1 to the temple

And managed to survive long enough for an Ambulance arrive and take him to the hospital

Anonymous 0 Comments

Only if their central nervous system is destroyed. This includes part of their brains and their spinal cord. This shuts off all communication between the brain and the body, and will cause an immediate fall, usually straight down or forward if moving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Only if their central nervous system is destroyed. This includes part of their brains and their spinal cord. This shuts off all communication between the brain and the body, and will cause an immediate fall, usually straight down or forward if moving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Only if their central nervous system is destroyed. This includes part of their brains and their spinal cord. This shuts off all communication between the brain and the body, and will cause an immediate fall, usually straight down or forward if moving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are three main causes of incapacitation:

Central nervous system hit (spine/brain), the person is going down now

Bleeding, which can take a while for blood pressure to drop low enough to cause the person to go down. Depends on where hit: heart or major artery bleed fast, other areas not so fast.

Psychological shock, the mind saying “Oh my god I’m hit I need to go down.”

Not quite so often, hit in both lungs that causes collapse so the person can’t breathe, which of course won’t instantly take someone down.

A pissed off person can take many hits before bleeding finally takes him down, as long as the CNS isn’t hit. But then someone can drop like a rock if grazed on the leg because they freaked out.

As with computers, when it comes to guns movies are usually very, very wrong.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are three main causes of incapacitation:

Central nervous system hit (spine/brain), the person is going down now

Bleeding, which can take a while for blood pressure to drop low enough to cause the person to go down. Depends on where hit: heart or major artery bleed fast, other areas not so fast.

Psychological shock, the mind saying “Oh my god I’m hit I need to go down.”

Not quite so often, hit in both lungs that causes collapse so the person can’t breathe, which of course won’t instantly take someone down.

A pissed off person can take many hits before bleeding finally takes him down, as long as the CNS isn’t hit. But then someone can drop like a rock if grazed on the leg because they freaked out.

As with computers, when it comes to guns movies are usually very, very wrong.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are three main causes of incapacitation:

Central nervous system hit (spine/brain), the person is going down now

Bleeding, which can take a while for blood pressure to drop low enough to cause the person to go down. Depends on where hit: heart or major artery bleed fast, other areas not so fast.

Psychological shock, the mind saying “Oh my god I’m hit I need to go down.”

Not quite so often, hit in both lungs that causes collapse so the person can’t breathe, which of course won’t instantly take someone down.

A pissed off person can take many hits before bleeding finally takes him down, as long as the CNS isn’t hit. But then someone can drop like a rock if grazed on the leg because they freaked out.

As with computers, when it comes to guns movies are usually very, very wrong.