eli5: Do people with darker skin have to wear sunscreen?


I heard the UV cause skin cancer, I’m a brown guy and never wear sunscreen, does that mean I have a higher likelihood of getting skin cancer?

In: 159

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer is they have a higher resistance to if rays, but it can still be extremely damaging and dangerous and they still should wear it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I grew up turning charcoal color in the summer, and I’m still cool , I honestly think depending on which part of the world you were born which effects your genetics going forward in your life, something that activates which prevents you from being effected

Anonymous 0 Comments

Higher melanin content in your skin offers a small degree of UV protection. So you are less sensitive to the sun than paler people, but that does NOT protect you completely and you should absolutely wear sunscreen to avoid bad burns. Anyone can still burn, and burns accumulate to increase cancer risk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The medium to light brown people I know (northern climate) get much darker in summer, so they must be responding to UV light. You are probably safer than a Swede, but there is some risk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Easy answer: no protection (sunscreen) = higher chance of adverse affects of sun exposure (sunburn at best, skin cancer at worst). More melanin affords some level of better protection but honestly, don’t use that as a pretense not to use sunscreen. Imagine being a quarterback without a helmet; although you may avoid hits and avoid damage like you’re Patrick Mahomes running around the backfield. But the risk of getting your dome rocked skyrockets without wearing a helmet. The sun plays the long game, west sunscreen. You wanna know the secret to “Black don’t crack?” First, don’t do crack; second, SUNSCREEN!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s interesting how you just said that you are brown and whether you need sunscreen. Surely you do! Haven’t you seen that border the sun creates right at your biceps where your skin is exposed to the sun through the short sleeves of your tshirt? Just this should be enough for you to invest in a good sunscreen, plus it will save you from skin cancer and skin aging.