Eli5: do you really “waste” water?


Is it more of a water bill thing, or do you actually effect the water supply? (Long showers, dishwashers, etc)

In: 2176

34 Answers

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“Don’t waste water” are campaigns to educate people to stop using water unnecessarily because it takes time and money to treat the water they’re using.

Brushing teeth with the water running returns the water to the treatment plant for another cleaning, which takes time and money.

There’s a finite amount of potable water. Potable is the level in which it’s safe to drink. Unfortunately, it’s also distributed in the same system in which potable water isn’t needed, such as washing a car, watering a lawn, etc. Piping is expensive too.

Campaigns of “don’t waste water” is to prevent excessive depletion of drinking water.

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