Eli5 Does it make a sound when city blocks go out of power like the movies?


Just watched the die hard 4 movie. Ofcourse the whole city got knocked out and the hero had to get through it all. But I need to know. Does it make that thumping sound if electricity goes out for another block or city area. Same goes for lights going on in huge ass secret government storage facilities. Dang!!

In: 15

27 Answers

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A lot of people are addressing that big heavy “CHUFF” sound that often accompanies these events in film. And they’re correct when they say that, no, you won’t hear that sound when a city block loses power, but some electrical grid switches can sound sort of like that when thrown open or closed.

No one seems to have addressed that other characteristic sound, though, the slow downward-droning “WOOOOoooo~” noise. It’s a similar story: no, you probably won’t hear that noise either, but it *is* a noise that some electric components can make. Particularly, electrical motors and generators. That sound is the sound of something that is already spun up to a high speed slowing down. A fan or car engine will make similar noises when sped up or slowed down. If you are sitting near one of these devices when power cuts out, you *will* hear a noise like that (more specifically, you will hear the noise it is already making, just gradually lowering in pitch). But the noise has nothing to do with the power grid itself.

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