Eli5 Does it make a sound when city blocks go out of power like the movies?


Just watched the die hard 4 movie. Ofcourse the whole city got knocked out and the hero had to get through it all. But I need to know. Does it make that thumping sound if electricity goes out for another block or city area. Same goes for lights going on in huge ass secret government storage facilities. Dang!!

In: 15

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electricity is mostly silent. I’ve never heard anything make a noise when de energized other than the clack of the contacts opening which you wouldn’t hear if you were more than 100ft from the device that opened. The loudest electrical noises I’ve heard other than arcing through open air or high voltage fuses blowing is a set of voltage regulators searching for the correct setting after being re energized. Imagine very loud humming and a loud clack every 10-15 seconds.

Source: I’ve been maintaining and upgrading the electrical grid for a living for the last ten years.

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