Eli5 Does it make a sound when city blocks go out of power like the movies?


Just watched the die hard 4 movie. Ofcourse the whole city got knocked out and the hero had to get through it all. But I need to know. Does it make that thumping sound if electricity goes out for another block or city area. Same goes for lights going on in huge ass secret government storage facilities. Dang!!

In: 15

27 Answers

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Does a neighbourhood make a thunk like in a movie? No, of course not. There might be a change in ambient noise as a lot of electrical devices you hear but tune out suddenly go silent.

Do some electrical devices make a thunk when powered/disconnected? Yes, some do. Most breakers make an audible clack when they break. Anything that has pumps creating pressure might thunk, due to expansion/contraction, water hammer etc. Or those lights you mentioned.

That iconic “clack” when big warehouse lights come on or off is a real thing in arc lamps which were commonly used.

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