eli5: Does quality of screenshot depends on the device specifications?


If a same screen is captured on devices with different specifications, is the quality the same?

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Imagine you have a big painting that you want to show to your friends. But your painting is too big to fit in your phone or computer screen, so you need to make a smaller copy of it. That’s what a screenshot does: it makes a smaller copy of what you see on your screen.

But not all screens are the same. Some screens are bigger, some are smaller, some have more colors, some have less colors. And some screens can show more details than others. That’s because screens are made of tiny dots called pixels. The more pixels a screen has, the more details it can show.

So when you take a screenshot, the quality of the screenshot depends on how many pixels your screen has. If you take a screenshot on a screen with more pixels, your screenshot will have more details and look sharper. If you take a screenshot on a screen with less pixels, your screenshot will have less details and look blurrier.

For example, let’s say you have two phones: one has a 6.5-inch screen with 2688 x 1242 pixels, and the other has a 5.5-inch screen with 1920 x 1080 pixels. If you take a screenshot of the same painting on both phones, the screenshot on the 6.5-inch phone will look better than the screenshot on the 5.5-inch phone, because it has more pixels and can show more details.

But that’s not the only thing that affects the quality of a screenshot. Sometimes, you might want to send your screenshot to someone else, or upload it to a website. In that case, you need to make your screenshot smaller in size, so it doesn’t take too long to send or upload. To do that, you need to compress your screenshot, which means removing some of the pixels and colors from it.

When you compress your screenshot, you lose some of the quality and details of the original image. How much quality you lose depends on how much you compress your screenshot. If you compress it a little bit, you might not notice much difference. But if you compress it a lot, your screenshot might look very different from what you saw on your screen.

TL;DR: the quality of a screenshot depends on the device specifications (how many pixels and colors your screen has), and also on how much you compress your screenshot (how many pixels and colors you remove from it). The more pixels and colors you have, and the less compression you use, the better your screenshot will look.

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