eli5: Does quality of screenshot depends on the device specifications?


If a same screen is captured on devices with different specifications, is the quality the same?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generally speaking, yes.

That is to say the primary thing that affects a screenshot is resolution. If two devices have the same resolution, the screenshots will be the same.

*However*, there may be software/hardware that can take a screenshot *above* the resolution of the device. For example, modern computer hardware capable of rendering above the users monitor can temporarily do so for the purposes of capturing a screenshot. That screenshot would have a resolution above the device specs. Other options like anti-aliasing can reduce the amount of jaggedness an object displays without changing the display resolution, so it will still be the same resolution but will look smoother.

In other words, regardless of the devices specs, if you take a screenshot of a 1080p screen it’ll look the same as a screenshot of any other 1080p screen *unless* there’s some hardware/software making changes that allow one of those devices to look better or fake a higher resolution for the purposes of taking a screenshot.

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