Eli5 does the effect of a drug persist until it completely leaves your system?


If you take a drug injection IV that has a half life of 50 days thus needs 250 days to leave your system,if the drug mainly works on the brain will it continue to produce effects on the brain for the 250 days or will it be cleared from the brain after some time and only remain in serum and liver/kidney?

In: 2

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have experience of this in the from of antidepressants and antipsychotics.

The method of administration is irrelevant to this question.

You are correct in the assumption that the drug will produce effects untill your body removes it. But your body is very adept at mitigating effects of foregin substances. Thus the effect of the medicine is less and less untill it’s gone.

(It’s basically the same how Chronic Alcoholics need more and more alcohol to get drunk, untill enough of their nervous system is FUBAR and then even a little bit gets them super wasted.)

If you are on a constant medication your body will start to get used to the interference of the medication, basically giving you a tolerance to the drug. This is why some ppl need to change medications as their body has become too good at ignoring the medication.

There might be medicines that doesn’t suffer from the tolerance problem, but i haven’t had such medicines prescribed to me.

And as every human is different, some may get resistant to a medicine most other ppl dont.