Eli5: Does tire pressure have anything to do with efficiency and wear?


My tire psi for my EV is set for 36 psi but most dealerships and people keep them at 40 psi. Would this have anything to do with gas mileage and efficiency?
I would think that inflating your tires more would be more efficient but also cause more wear because there’s greater forces on the rubber. But too little inflation would cause them to hit every rock and bang it up more.

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14 Answers

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No tire pressure (flat) – The inside of the rim rests on on the tire itself, and damages the inside of the tire if driven.

Tire pressure too low – The rim may hit the inside of the tire and damage it on a bump, decreased MPG/Efficiency due to more contact area of the tire on the ground.

Tire pressure low – more contact area of the tire with the ground, will increase traction (which may be useful for off-road or bad weather in some cases) but decreases MPG/Efficiency, it will also cause extra wear. Ride quality may feel smoother.

Tire pressure nominal – Optimal balance of tire wear, and efficiency.

Tire Pressure high – Reduced traction, increased MPG/efficiency, but bumps may lead to loss of control. Ride quality will be more “bumpy” and less pleasant.

Tire pressure too high – Tire may explode.

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