Eli5 Does using medicine reduce the amount of antibodies produced when you are sick?


Eli5 Does using medicine reduce the amount of antibodies produced when you are sick?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you missused medecine than you have high cances to damage liver and thus reduce your overall body resistance. Othervise it does not affect anyibody production. The only exception i know if foreign antibodies are directly injected to your blood. In such case you body geberally does not produce such antibodies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Immunosuppressant medications do that.

They are prescribed when you have an autoimmune illness, meaning you don’t want your antibodies attacking your own cells or to an organ transplanted from another body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What kind of medicine? That makes all the difference.

Some OTC painkillers taken to deal with a cold are not going to change the nature of an immune response.