eli5 Eggs in the supermarket state on the box “Double Yolk”. Without cracking them, how do they know….?


Apologies if this is ridiculous and should be in no stupid questions but it just struck me

In: 2748

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

certain breeds are prone to double yolkers .. young or sometimes stressed birds lay d yolkers

Anonymous 0 Comments

About 20 years ago, we bought a dozen eggs from 7-11 because we were lazy and it was close by our apartment. First one was a double yolk. Wow! Next one was too… holy crap! Uh, so were the next few. Ended up every one was double yolk and we ate none of them. Not going to risk that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When baking with eggs, unless going by weight not ‘eggs’ it’s really a bit of an art, not science.
How often does a recipe simply call for ‘an egg’ but is that a 50g egg, an 80g egg?

Either way, the weight of the egg is that specific/sold weight, even if it’s a higher portion of yolk to white.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever put a light unter an uncooked egg? No? Go, do it and tell us what you saw.