eli5 Electricity


So electricity always tries to find the fastest way to ground right? So say you get shocked and it goes through you. Where does electricity go when it goes into the ground. Thank you

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not an expert or anything so I’m sure someone can offer a better explanation but from what I understand it goes like this:

Electricity needs to flow THROUGH something and so whatever you touch that has electricity needs to “go somewhere” and if you’re touching the ground it will go through you and into the ground. Where it goes is not important, what’s important is that it’s current flowed through you.

Also a tidbit of why standing on rubber is important (or staying INSIDE your car during a thunderstorm) is because electricity doesn’t flow through rubber and your tires are made of rubber, so if your car gets struck by lightning you’ll be safe.

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