Almost every station I go to has ethanol (up to 10%) added to gas. For a long time I had the option in my area to buy non ethanol gas but now it’s harder to find.
If a gallon of ethanol gets less mileage per volume than gasoline, then how is it better for the environment if I have to fill that much sooner on gas because the ethanol component lowers my tank range?
In: 101
> If a gallon of ethanol gets less mileage per volume than gasoline, then how is it better for the environment
It’s not. It gets you more votes in Iowa and the Midwest since farmers there get subsidies to grow corn to turn into ethanol.
I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but most things are not done because they are right, or better, or result in a better outcome. Most things are done because they benefit the people who decide to do them. Ethanol is a politically motivated campaign, not a scientific one.
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