Almost every station I go to has ethanol (up to 10%) added to gas. For a long time I had the option in my area to buy non ethanol gas but now it’s harder to find.
If a gallon of ethanol gets less mileage per volume than gasoline, then how is it better for the environment if I have to fill that much sooner on gas because the ethanol component lowers my tank range?
In: 101
At least in terms of climate change, ethanol is better for the environment even if you do need more of it. The carbon in ethanol was recently pulled out of the atmosphere by plants so when you burn that ethanol and release that carbon back, you aren’t raising the amount of carbon already in circulation. The problem with gasoline is that when you’re burning it, you are releasing carbon that has been out of the atmosphere for millions of years so you are raising the levels beyond the normal carbon cycle.
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