Eli5: explain data structure from computer science to a non technical person.


How do I explain what is data structure to someone who has never programmed before?

In: 15

17 Answers

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A computer does many simple tasks very fast. So in order to do complicated things, the concepts and ideas need to be organised and broken down in many simpler things.

It also needs to manage large quantities of small bits of information.

Data structures are reusable concepts that help do that, like a ‘stack’. A stack is a simple idea, like a stack of plates, or books. It has a definite behavior, like you can only take and remove the top plate or book. These limitations seem counterproductive but are extremely fast and efficient in some specific situations.

That’s why we have a bunch of such structures used in different scenarios. Like ‘queues’. Stacks are ‘last-in-first-out’ (or LIFO), like mentioned, only the first is accessible. Queues are ‘first-in-first-out’ (or FIFO).

There are several more, and each cab have their variations. Used to togheter, they can form very complex systems (like a computer operating system).

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