How do farmers keep their livestock and all other animals (chickens, pigs, sheep, etc) from freezing to death in the harsh cold winter months, like in regions up north? Especially if they have dozens upon dozens of animals? I’d imagine if they group them all in an extremely large barn or something, they’d have to keep it extremely insulated?
In: 3
These animals are largely adapted to cold weather and actually prefer when it’s colder. They can huddle together for warmth, and have extra fur in the winter. A main thing is to just keep them and their bedding dry.
Barns don’t have to be super insulated, the number of animals in them help keep them decently warm. It’s uncomfortably cold for humans, but for most animals it’s perfectly cozy if they have dry bedding. Some animals, like horses, can get blankets strapped onto them if they have shorter fur and it’s particularly cold out. But horses are kept in individual stalls and don’t get grouped together, which is helpful for other animals to keep warm.
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