Eli5 Food-safe gloves..I don’t get it


What’s the point of food-safe gloves? You’re still touching everything. I don’t get it

In: 25

14 Answers

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If you walk into a kitchen, wash your hands, and then start working, you’ll carry whatever you failed to wash off your hands (which will always be something; surgeons wash their hands and forearms for like five minutes with consistent and detailed scrubbing to try and eliminate germs), and whatever you pick up along the way.

If you walk in and put on gloves, you’ll only have what you pick up along the way (which will be pretty minimal because food safety procedures will already minimise things).

Also, gloves are a psychological shortcut to make you more careful about outside contaminants. It’s super easy to do something like wipe the sweat of your brow off with the back of your wrist, it’s a basic human instinct, and you’ll think nothing of it. But if you’re wearing gloves, you might well catch yourself before doing it and realise “this doesn’t feel right, why? Oh, I’m gloved I shouldn’t do this”, or afterwards you’ll wipe your forehead and it’ll feel wrong, and you’ll become aware that you did it, in a way you might not if you just instinctively brushed your forehead.
Thus you’ll be prompted to clean up again, and eventually a habit will form.

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