Eli5- Free money phone games. How do they work?


So I’m sure this is obvious (and I have a pretty good idea) but I keep seeing adds that let you play solitaire and make like a ton of money per day. No referrals, no ads, no nothing. So how does this happen since free money is not a thing and I don’t see (at least upon my ads) it’s free money for anyone. What’s the scam here?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The ones that are truly free are a strategic initiative created by gambling companies to increase consumer sentiment for gambling so consumers pressure lawmakers for legislative reforms. If you listen to earnings calls for some of the big online gambling and casino companies they’ll lay this out.

Tl;Dr: Like drug dealers, the first one is free to get you hooked.

Edit: also like others have said, you are the product. They’re offering a free service to build data on expected future returns once they monitize you. They know exactly what percentage of people they give their free games to will become addicts too. It’s built in their financial models.

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