Eli5: Free power from radio waves?


You know those crystal sets that people played with many years ago? They enabled you to listen to radio using a high impedance earphone, without a battery, because the radio waves induce a small voltage in the circuit (forgive me if I don’t understand it fully)

Well, I’ve often wondered why thousands or even millions of these circuits couldn’t be connected in series to give us some free meaningful power. If someone could explain..

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a problem that you and Tesla both share.

Not knowing the inverse square law of RF…..

For every meter you go away from the transmitting antenna the effective power goes down by a 1/4 … That’s very simplified*** the actual formula is closer to a doubling in distance you quarter the power.

So, that being said. You would have to be super close to an antenna to draw any real power off of it, which we already do in consumer wireless charging of phones , even inductive cooktops could fall into that category too.

There’s just too much loss in the air to make it practical/ affordable over long distances.

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