eli5 – Golf handicaps


I hear coworkers talking about golf handicaps (usually in the 80’s range) and smile/nod my way through the conversation. I’m assuming it’s how many strokes over an 18 hole day?

In: 85

8 Answers

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Par for a hole is calculated as how many shots it should take a very good golfer to finish the hole.

Most golfers will score over par on most of the holes, and therefore for the course in general.

My handicap is, by a slightly complicated calculation, supposed to represent not how much I am over par on average, but how much I would be over par when playing pretty much the *best I am capable of*.

That means that when competing against another golfer of a different standard, we can each deduct our handicap from our actual score and see who wins. The effect is that the one who came closest to playing their best (or did better than their best!) will win. Which is nicer than just getting thrashed by a much better player.

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