ELi5: Have there been any instances where ancient peoples attacked the horse of horse riders?


Movies and Tv shows tend to show this a lot, and while it seemed obvious at first, I want to know a bit more

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16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That was not uncommon at all, and the main reason it wasn’t done all the time was because horses were incredibly valuable so if you kept them alive you could sell them for money or use them yourself.

But there are a large number of weapons that were designed primarily to deal with the horses themselves, including the pike being among the most famous. There are even some examples of gigantic swords intended to be used against horses. And giant versions of caltops designed to cripple horses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. The tactic was to down the horse and then use a piercing weapon like an estoc to kill the rider. But horses were valuable so if you can possibly take it alive, that’s preferred.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I actually have a replica Japanese sword meant to be welded by two men to cut the legs of horses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That was not uncommon at all, and the main reason it wasn’t done all the time was because horses were incredibly valuable so if you kept them alive you could sell them for money or use them yourself.

But there are a large number of weapons that were designed primarily to deal with the horses themselves, including the pike being among the most famous. There are even some examples of gigantic swords intended to be used against horses. And giant versions of caltops designed to cripple horses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I actually have a replica Japanese sword meant to be welded by two men to cut the legs of horses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. The tactic was to down the horse and then use a piercing weapon like an estoc to kill the rider. But horses were valuable so if you can possibly take it alive, that’s preferred.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I actually have a replica Japanese sword meant to be welded by two men to cut the legs of horses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it did happen and it wasnt uncommon as /u/Quiet_Lee_Concerned mentioned, in those times a horse represented a valuable commodity that if you could capture uninjured you coudl either use it combat for yourself or sell it off as a beast of burden.

there is also the fact you dont necessarily want to get too close to a horse involved in combat: its likely scared out of its mind(barely holding on because of the rider) and itss an animal large enough that if it panics it can fck you up(assuming that once it loses its rider it doesnt just run off).

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just finished reading The True History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz del Castillo. This book was a 1st hand account of the conquest of Mexicali (Aztecs).

According to the book, the Aztecs and the other local nations in Mexico at that time had no problem killing horses during combat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it did happen and it wasnt uncommon as /u/Quiet_Lee_Concerned mentioned, in those times a horse represented a valuable commodity that if you could capture uninjured you coudl either use it combat for yourself or sell it off as a beast of burden.

there is also the fact you dont necessarily want to get too close to a horse involved in combat: its likely scared out of its mind(barely holding on because of the rider) and itss an animal large enough that if it panics it can fck you up(assuming that once it loses its rider it doesnt just run off).