eli5, help me clean a reptile tank with heat or hydrogen peroxide

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so my leopard gecko had cryptosporidium. the best way to sanitise a surface this has been contaminated with, is to use heat above 70°C, or spray with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
can I use a higher % hydrogen peroxide to be safe? why does the Internet say 3%?
alternatively how can I use hot water for this? boil it on the stove? I’m worried I crack the glass

I really don’t want to simply throw it away, it cost alot of money, so I’d like to clean it 🙂

In: Chemistry

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3% is the concentration that peroxide comes in for private use and is sufficient to kill fungal spores and parasites like cryptosporidium. Much stronger than that and it becomes highly corrosive and requires protective gear for your skin, eyes and lungs.

Just apply a 3% solution and let it sit for 20 minutes.