Eli5 hiw do computers understand binary


I was always fascinated by how computers work and i know that its basically just a bunch of 1 and 0s called binary code hut how do you even get a computer to even understand that in the first place

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10 Answers

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Computers understand 0s and 1s like abacuses understand whether a bead is up or down.

That is, they don’t.

We humans can move beads on an abacus up or down, and we can flip switches on or off in a computer, but that doesn’t mean the computer or abacus understands what is happening.

The “meaning” that we get from abacuses is interpreting the end results of having moved a lot of beads according to our own rules. And the “meaning” that we get from computers is interpreting the end results of having flipped a lot of switches according to our own rules as well.

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