Eli5 hiw do computers understand binary


I was always fascinated by how computers work and i know that its basically just a bunch of 1 and 0s called binary code hut how do you even get a computer to even understand that in the first place

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10 Answers

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We use numbers, we have 10 of them, and it’s because we have 10 fingers so that seemed like the right number.

For a computer, there’s a wire either has a voltage on it or not. Thus, 1 or a 0. This went along with the way data was stored- a pit on a magnetic media like a floppy disc could be either magnetized north or south (2 states). A punch card either has a punch or not (2 states). So having only two possible digits made sense.

The computer understands it because binary is as native for the computer as decimal (0-9) is for us. It’s like if you take French lessons and find it hard to understand, and then you go to France and you see people talking fluently, and ask them how do they understand it so fast. They understand it because it’s native for them.

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