eli5: Hiw do devices know which way is “downwards” for it to know where to rotate


How do devices like phones or ipad know which way is “down” for them to auto rotate?

In: 13

7 Answers

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A phone uses a combination of sensors to determine which way is “downwards.” The most common sensors used for this purpose are the accelerometer and the magnetometer.

An accelerometer is a device that measures the acceleration of a device along a certain axis. In a phone, the accelerometer is used to measure the acceleration of gravity along the vertical axis, which allows the phone to determine the direction of “downwards.”

A magnetometer, also known as a digital compass, is a device that measures the strength and direction of the magnetic field in a certain point. In a phone, the magnetometer is used to measure the Earth’s magnetic field and determine the direction of magnetic north. By comparing the direction of magnetic north to the direction of gravity, the phone can determine its orientation in space.

Together these sensors are used to determine the phone’s orientation and position.

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