Eli5: how a wifi extender works.


I don’t think I’m using mine right.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A WiFi extender is super simple. You send your request for data to your extender, which passes the request on to your router, and it then goes into the usual Internet process.

It’s an extra piece of tech that has to process both the request and response, so it sloes things down, but it increases your range.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>I don’t think I’m using mine right.

It’s just like a switch, only for wireless signals. It re-broadcasts the network data it receives.
If there is a place with excellent reception and a place with next to no reception then the extender is traditionally placed on the **half-way point** between those places.
It can’t be placed at the point of excellent reception because then it would serve no purpose and it can’t be placed at the point of shitty reception because it obviously only can re-broadcast the signal it receives and thus won’t be able to do anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like you’ve got a buddy that you’re just far enough away to hear if he yells. And he yells at you everything he hears that someone else far away tells him.

It essentially connects to your wifi, even if the signal is pretty weak. Then, it reboadcasts everything it “hears” back to you at full signal strength on its own separate wifi

Anonymous 0 Comments

WiFi extender is a horrible name, WiFi repeater even more so. Traditional extenders/repeaters do not merely extend nor repeat the signal from the main WiFi signal. Instead they create a new WiFi network. The poor naming choice also makes most people chose to use the same WiFi network name which is bad.

For the best results you should place the repeater in a place where there is still relatively good reception and you should use a different SSID.

Now comes the crucial part: your phone/laptop will NOT switch automatically from your main WiFi to the repeater WiFi (or vice-versa) until it completely lost the signal. That’s because, as I said, they are not the same network even if they have the same name.

So everytime you move inside the house you need to check which network has the strongest signal and switch manually.