Eli5: how are anatomical features encoded in DNA?


AFAIK the only output of DNA transcription are proteins but how are things like skeletal structure encoded? I mean things that are not functional specialization like the shape of my nose or the size of my forehead or the length of my legs.

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7 Answers

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Check out the experiments of Michael Levin concerning the modulation of charge and termination of anatomical limbs. Most double stranded DNA is non coding and regulatory. Non coding means not a gene or coding for a protein.

Levin asks the question in his papers and talks how do cells know when to STOP growing? Where is the plan and how might it be shared across great distances between cells? The answer is sometimes via charge or electric potential.

We usually think of nerves using charge in action potentials but he suggests that ion gates are prolific throughout other cell types and might be part of a simple communication network.

He also investigates Basal Cognition.

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