Eli5: how are anatomical features encoded in DNA?


AFAIK the only output of DNA transcription are proteins but how are things like skeletal structure encoded? I mean things that are not functional specialization like the shape of my nose or the size of my forehead or the length of my legs.

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7 Answers

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They aren’t. There’s nothing in DNA that explicitly encodes “your leg bone is this long.” DNA is a program that needs to be run on a very specific set of hardware (a fertilized egg) in a very specific enviroment in a very specific order. It’s the combination of the cell, the timing, the environment, and the DNA that all comes together to make a human (or a banana or a lizard or…).

If you just dump human DNA into the nucleus of a random cell and grow it in a petri dish you don’t get a human.

But *if* you take a fertilized egg and implant it in a functioning womb (or identical chemical equivalent) and let it grow with the right nutrients a whole series of chemical reactions will happen that will eventually end up with a leg bone of a particular length.

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