Eli5: how are anatomical features encoded in DNA?


AFAIK the only output of DNA transcription are proteins but how are things like skeletal structure encoded? I mean things that are not functional specialization like the shape of my nose or the size of my forehead or the length of my legs.

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7 Answers

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Because the DNA contains instructions for what the cells should do *from conception* (from the moment when it’s a single-cell egg with some DNA from the sperm). Instructions for how to go from [a cell](https://biologydictionary.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Embryonic-Stem-Cell.jpg) to the millions of cells in the fully grown YOU (as opposed to a fully grown other animal). Meat is meat, bone is bone, more or less (that’s why we can eat the stuff and USE the digested “components” that are inside the cells, proteins, fats, sugars, etc.), but “form” depends on how the cells divide and which organs and shapes they “grow” into as you develop.

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