eli5: how are human girls already born with all the eggs they’ll ever have?


I’ve seen videos showing the scale of a human egg and it’s visible to the naked eye- it’s definitely not as small as i thought it would be. So how are girls born with millions of eggs already? Im thinking that large of an amount would take up a considerable amount of space. And how do girls lose eggs from birth if they dont have their first period til adolescence? Since im assuming eggs are mainly lost through periods, excluding trauma or ovarian disorders.

In: 31

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically the same way they are born with all the fingers they have.

I’m guessing you’re more asking why they aren’t continually produced like sperm?

It would be very hard to confine such growth to produce just one or two every X days..

I’d also think that such a limited relaae system would only work if you had just one master cell they grew from there would be a much higher chance of that cell mutating and going bad thus ending the cycle.

And of course, mass production isn’t going to work as you would risk the massive problems with so many.. men don’t produce a few sperm, they produce millions.. not a good option for the number of children to try and carry.

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