Eli5: How are large bands able to move from one city to another so quickly?


It just occurred to me when I saw a band on tour go from Connecticut on the 20th to South Carolina today the 29th while playing at various venues between the two states.

Like logistically it’s insane to me plus how are the singers voices not burnt?

12 hours later: Thanks everyone! Absolutely fascinating for sure, especially the Wendover YouTube links. Didn’t know that channel existed.

In: 344

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was in college I worked at the venue of my college town. Bands like Metallica, guns n roses etc would come. It’s basically a full day (24 hour) event for the workers. The trucks show up at 6am on Saturday. You work all day setting up til maybe 4-6pm. There are roadies traveling with them who are basically the managers since they are familiar with the setup and equipment. Then there’s the rest of us who work the venue who knows the venue. We would work together to get everything setup, split into teams like carpentry (set building), electricians, lighting, rigging etc.

Once setup the band or someone would come do sound tests while a lot of people are cut loose to go take a break til the concert is over. Some people are kept on to work the event. After the concert, you do the same in reverse but it goes a lot faster. You generally finish around 1-4am. When there are back to back events it’s even more crazy. Just finished working 6am to 4am, but there’s a basketball game later? Spend the next few hours putting the basketball floor back after the concert is torn down! Make a lot of money in overtime but damn is it exhausting lol. I think I worked like 4 days straight once when there was basketball Friday, concert saturday, basketball Sunday, and career fair Monday.

It is some impressive shit and some of the hardest working mofos I’ve ever seen. The ones who tour or run the venue get paid very well too I believe (could be mistaken). Usually we measured show size in semi count. Big shows like Metallica and whatever we’re like 12-16 trucks full of equipment and set pieces. Then as soon as you load a truck it’s on the road to the next destination. The performer typically got in their bus and left immediately after the show

Edit: this was 2003-2007ish fyi. Just realized the 2 bands I listed are older so someone might think I’m talking about the 80s lol

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