Eli5: How are leaks from video games found inside the game’s files before it’s even released?


Eli5: How are leaks from video games found inside the game’s files before it’s even released?

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4 Answers

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It depends as people mentioned. In the older days of piracy games would sometimes be leaked a month early. Oddly enough with more of a shift to digital, its harder to get things early because digital has more security to it, whereas before someone in a warehouse or factory would “borrow” the cartridge or disc for a moment to copy it, and put it back.
Sometimes the games files are there with the hidden items just not enabled. Best example I can think of is Street Fighter X Tekken. It came out for xbox360 and I think Ps3, with a pending PS Vita release with exclusive characters for some time frame like 3 months, then released to other systems. People realized you could enable them all in the xbox/ps3 versions on day 1 with an edit because everything was already there.
Likewise sometimes this backfires and people see the files for a new character, but later on there becomes a licensing issue so the content never comes to be.

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